Following the AGM late September we have some fresh faces on the board.  We will get full details updated on the website as soon as we can.

You can see the board here:



From: Admin //
Sent: Wednesday, 18 May 2022 6:14 pm
To: Admin //
Subject: Club website and social media update


Dear Members,

Kelly Sutherland, the coaches and I met yesterday. For those of you who don’t know Kelly, he’s a past RSC board member, a parent of club swimmers, a past owner of the IT room and now owns/directs Capital Edge. Our meeting was to update and make changes to the club website so it will become more user friendly as well as ensuring that it will continue to provide correct squad and coaching information. We’ve had to set up two new facebook pages for the reasons set out below. These are Raumati Swimming Club and RSC Squad. Please feel free to join or follow.

The old club facebook page “Raumati Raptors Swimming Club”, and the “RSC Squad” facebook group have been taken offline and unfortunately the previous page administrators have declined to update the administration rights for this Club asset when asked by the Board. Instead the page appears to have been deleted. It also appears photos showing highlights of the club history have been lost. Any false use of the Official Club names on facebook pages will be considered a breach of the Club copyright by the Board.

At present the Board is consulting with SNZ lawyers on ways to obtain the club’s valuable content from the previous page and group administrators.

In the short term all communication / information from the club will be via the website or email. Nothing will be via facebook until you receive notification via the website or an email. We are wanting to ensure this new page is secure and nothing is being redirected in the background.

We would be interested to know if anyone can still see the past pages and would appreciate you notifying Thanks in advance.

The club is extremely thankful to Kelly for volunteering his services. It is a comfort to have his expertise, knowledge and advice with our IT, website and social media sites moving forward.

Kind Regards
Sandy Turner

Cell 021658301

Raumati Swimming Club